One of our Structural Engineers approached me on the Communications team at Otak and said he was biking to all 20+ pedestrian bridges in an Aurora, CO park for their annual inspections. He said he wanted to practice one of Otak's core values, sustainability, while completing the inspections.
We in Communications loved this idea and gave him the necessary equipment to record his rides on the GoPro, and I (videographer, video editor, art director, graphic designer) went into the field to interview him at one of the bridges.
Unfortunately, we weren't able to get our video or audio equipment before the inspections, so I made do with my iPhone 11 and Canon D-SLR. This is why the audio is....less than ideal. But the content was too great to go without posting just due to bad audio, so we published it anyway - while I was assured by my Creative Director that we'd get better audio equipment for the next video!

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